The Coelophone Reed Organ from the Belgica

Instrument part of the collection of the Museum MAS of Antwerp

The Belgica’s Coelophone Reed Organ,

Thibouville-Lamy, France , Circa 1895

This particular instrument had travelled with the vessel Belgica in the Belgian polar expedition of 1897-1899. It can be seen in some pictures of the interior of the vessel.

The Coelophone is also mentioned in the diaries of some of the expedition members as part of the evening activities.

June 26. — It is Sunday ; the weather is warm, wet, and too stormy to permit our usual Sabbath excursions.
We are playing cards and grinding the musicboxes, and trying in various ways to throw off the increasing gloom of the night ; but something has happened which has added another cloud to the hell of blackness which enshrouds us.

Frederick Albert Cook, Through the First Antarctic Night, 1898–1899 (London: Heinemann, 1900).

Brabançonne book by Sebastien Cochard

Play some book that had travelled with the Belgica :

God save the Queen (Victoria)
Unnamed book that had travel with the Belgica
Unnamed book that had travel with the Belgica